Andy Sarcone Rooney
 "Forsaken Spells"

1. Hidden In The Winds

Music: R. Rieckermann, G. Sharington, A. Sarcone Lyrics: A. Sarcone


2. Soul Mates

Music and lyrics by A. Sarcone


3. War of Shadows

Music and lyrics by A. Sarcone



Produced by Andy Sarcone & David Levy | Recorded at Black Gates Studios and Shut Up And Play Studios in Los Angeles, CA & Power Station Studios in Fort Lauderdale, Fl. | Mixed By Dave Jenkins at The Wine Cellar Studios in Los Angeles, CA | Brad Vance at Red Mastering studios in

Los Angeles, Ca

Graphic design, photography & illustrations by Daniel Trajtemberg at

IMKstudios in San Jose, CA.