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The goal of the Fallen Angel project was to make a pedal so versatile
that it rocks both inside the studio and out.
In fact, the outstanding quality of this pedal is sure to make it an essential part
of your rig.
An Overdrive that is so ingenuous, yet still small enough, that it can be
used with any kind of amp. Moreover, it adds a wide control range
of the clipping mode and drive characteristics, while maintaining
Andy’s personal playing nuances and style.
The Drive side of the circuit is an FET based drive, amp like, smooth and
The Clipping section is wide and silky, not overly aggressive, but still with
enough kick to drive an amplifier's front end with no issues.
It's the perfect partner to the Boost side of the circuit.
The Voice knob allows the player to control the resistance in the circuit's
feedback loop. This controls the amount of frequency that gets dumped
to ground.
Higher settings will have a more British style midrange and drive, while lower
settings will be smoother and thicker.
The Drive section can also make for a cleaner boost.
Just turn the Gain knob down to turn off the effect of the clipping diodes.
The Boost side of the circuit is a classic JFET boost using a high quality
Fairchild transistor.
This side can be turned into the main Drive side (using the Clip switch) for 2
looser vintage style distortions.
If that’s not enough, run it as a buffer with low grit settings to drive a long
line of pedals with vintage style pickups, or with low output humbuckers.
The Grit knob on this side adds a sag and compression like some
cleaner 6L6 style amps when pushed.
Now, the real magic of this side of the pedal, is when both Grit and Boost
knobs are around 1 o’clock.
They provide the perfect amount of boost and sound enhancement.
You might find it hard to turn off !!!
The fun part is when you cascade both sections of the pedal: The Overdrive
& the Boost together.
Did we mention you can then have them in any order using the Flip Switch?
Using the switch Boost side and the Flip switch you can go anywhere from
smooth D style Drive sounds to High gain British bliss.
Fuzz? Yeah…
It’ll do a fuzzy style sound. Just run the Boost side on the GE setting into a
high gain setting on the Overdrive side.
In the way of special parts there is a big mixture of stuff going on inside this
From Fets, Mosfets, High Grade Aluminum Enclosure, BC Silicon Transistor,
Germanium Transistor
and a very high quality IC.
All parts are of the highest quality: Teflon Wire, Switch-Craft jacks, Alpha Pots
and the best Footswitches for long life and reliability.
At Klinger Custom Pedals, We take lots of pride, put endless hours
and effort to bring you the best product. We keep always the highest
Every single Pedal is hand made in Australia…….
Andy S. Rooney and Shaun Klinger Have teamed up for this wonderful
venture that has brought to life and amazing Overdrive and Booster Pedal
that we have called: